Due to updates, Click & Collect will be closed from 24.09.2024 at 12:00 to 01.10.2024 We recommend you to contact your local dealer - find a dealer here

Click & Collect terms and conditions

You have the option of ordering products using “Click & Collect” on our website so that you can have them delivered directly to your selected dealer for collection and payment.

If you have entered the details requested in the ordering process and sent the order, this constitutes a binding purchase offer via your online order. With your order, you make a binding declaration that you accept these general business terms (conditions) and will purchase the items ordered. We’ll use an order confirmation to confirm that your order has been received.

Isabella is not liable to pay damages for direct or indirect losses as a consequence of the purchaser receiving the ordered products late or defects in the ordered products when the delay or defects are due to the purchaser’s actions or conditions beyond Isabella’s control, such as war, pandemic, riots, unrest, fire, state intervention, seizure, currency restrictions, labour disputes of any kind, including strikes and lockouts, or similar.


Prices and payment

All products are specified with prices including VAT. Payment is made to your selected dealer.

We offer free delivery if you place an order worth at least £1250.00. If your order is below this value, your dealer will charge you an administration fee of £12.


Returns policy

In the case of returns, all products received are to be returned to the dealer from whom you collected and purchased them.

If you are returning a product, you are obliged to maintain it in the same condition as when you received it. You must not use it, but of course you can examine it carefully. You will lose the right to return the product if it is damaged due to negligence on your part.


Warranties and service

We supply our products with a 2-year warranty, applicable in the event of production faults. The warranty is not applicable in the event of damage caused by accidents or incorrect handling of the product. For repair or replacement, the product must be returned to the dealer with a valid receipt. All complaints must be submitted by your dealer and cannot be addressed to Isabella directly.



You will receive an email from Isabella when your products have been dispatched from our warehouse to your selected dealer. After being dispatched, your products will be received by your dealer after 2 working days. Your products will be available for 7 days after being delivered to your dealer. After that, we cannot guarantee that your product will be in stock.



In the case of returns, you must return the product to the dealer from whom you collected it.


Personal data

To shop at www.isabella.net, you must provide the following information as a minimum:

  • Name
  • Address
  • E-mail address
  • Telephone/mobile number

The above data will be retained, along with information on what products you purchased, for 5 years from the end of the financial year to which the information relates – see Section 10 of the Danish Accountancy Act – after which time this information will be erased.

Besides the dealer from whom you asked to collect your product, your information will not be passed on or sold to any third party unless this takes place in connection with restructuring or complete or partial sale of the business. If any data is passed on in such a situation, this will take place in compliance with the currently applicable personal data legislation.

As a customer, you have the option to access the data we hold on you and you can object to your data being held in accordance with the regulations set out in the Danish Data Protection Act. Any enquiries in this connection must be submitted to Isabella A/S by email: info@isabella.net

If you would like to know more about Isabella’s privacy policy, click here.



By using www.isabella.net, you accept our use of cookies. A cookie is a small data file that we place on your computer so that we can track what happens during your visit and recognise your computer. A cookie is not a program and does not contain viruses.

If you would like to find out which cookies we use at www.isabella.net and how to delete cookies, click here.


Last updated 17-09-2020

